More About Dr. Angela E. Grant
Her Cancer Story
Remembering Dr. Angela E. Grant
November 12, 1973 – September 20, 2010

Though barely in her 30’s, Angela Grant was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. Despite the diagnosis and the grueling round of treatments and surgery that followed, Angela still managed to earn her Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Maryland, specializing in Chaotic Dynamics, a division of Mathematics. Cancer can rob one of dignity, health, and hope. But Angela Grant refused to let this happen, and fought the disease with a vengeance as she accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. It was December of 2005. The cancer went into remission as she continued to live her life to the fullest through her love for teaching, traveling, sports, games, music, and for shaping her beautiful pottery creations. There was also plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy family and friends, and praising God. Everyone was devastated when Angela’s illness returned. But to witness her in action, you’d never know anything was wrong. While undergoing treatment after treatment, she flashed the bright smile that everyone knew so well, and continued to support her students, friends, and loved ones. She taught the rest of us how to demonstrate true love for God and for one another; and how to persevere with zest, genuine hope and sheer joy. We’ll relive our time with her through precious memories, forever.